Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology to build a successful, prosperous, and happy modern life!

Vedic Astrology - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

Jyotish Technology and
the Science of Yagyas

Thank you for your interest in services from the Vedic Life Foundation.

Our yagyas are presented by the Vedic Life Foundation directed by Manju Lata Dixit.

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Planetary yagya recommendations from the Vedic Life Foundation continue to be performed from Kanpur, India. We organize planetary, special intention and Royal yagyas. If you are a previous client requesting yagya recommendation updates, please send us an email with your specific concern.
If you are a new client, we need your:

  1. Completed recommendation form. (See below)
  2. Payment of US$310 which will be applied toward your first yagya. This can be done via PayPal, or WISE upon completion of the form below.

Cut and paste the following 9 lines into an email to

First Name of person receiving yagya:
Family Name of person receiving yagya:
Birth date (month, day, year):
Birth Time:
Birth place:
Current address:
Specific Concerns:

We will recommend intentional or Royal yagyas to address your specific concerns.

The rest of the process goes like this:
  1. I'll email you acknowledgement of your yagya schedule within 24 hours. We take Sundays off so requests submitted on Saturday may not be answered until Monday. Your yagya schedule is typically emailed to you within 48 hours. Please note that it is best for you to follow your regular daily schedule during your yagya. Please let us know should our schedule for your yagyas be inconvenient.
  2. You choose which yagyas you want to have performed at this time (we are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have). We send you links to a page where you may order your yagyas.
  3. You make payment for the yagyas you have chosen. Payments may be made via your PayPal, or WISE account, or via major credit cards.
  4. Manju Dixit will schedule your yagyas and I'll send you confirmation of the dates.
  5. I'll will send you guidelines for enhancing your yagya experience.
  6. I'll also send you tips for reducing stress and increasing energy.
Or you may also call us, 0900 to 1700 hrs, Wellington, New Zealand time, Monday through Friday, with your credit card information. The phone number in New Zealand is +44 759 770 0371. I'll call back if you leave a message. (Kindly note that we are unlikely to answer before 0900 hrs or after 1700 hrs, Wellington time.)

We hope that you understand from the information at our website that this is a yagya program based on Vedic Astrology. Recommendations are based on your specific concerns or areas of focus. Yagyas are a psycho-spiritual therapy meant to soften difficult and challenging karmic influences. Performance of a yagya will not necessarily fulfill a specific desire.

Yagya recommendations are given in priority order so you may order them as your budget allows.

The costs for the special intention and Royal yagyas are separate. We will send you pricing in the ordering links.

Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. All testimonials and comments are not intended to be representative of typical results, nor are they a guarantee nor promise of any results. All yagyas are performed in India according to the ancient traditions of Jyotir Math. Individual client experiences vary and are affected by myriad factors such as karmic debt, knowledge, evolution, and daily spiritual practice.

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