Vedic Astrology - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

Recommended yagyas for powerful times of the year:

There are 5 more very auspicious days this fall for yagyas!

Here are the Celebration Day costs for the following yagyas:

1. Sharad Purnima

is called the full moon of Ashwin month (7th month of Vedic calendar). According to the scriptures, Goddess Laxmi was born from the churning of the ocean of milk (an important event in Vedic scripture), seated on a lotus and holding another lotus blossom in her hand on this full moon. Luxmi is wealth, lotus is spiritual enlightenment, divine perfection, and prosperity. Therefore, the night of Sharad Purnima has its own special significance in the Vedic tradition. On this night, the moon, rains nectar from the sky and the goddess of wealth Laxmi comes to visit the earth with her husband Shri Vishnu. This night is celebrated to welcome Lakshmi-Vishnu and for help attracting wealth!
Order this yagya now for the one day yagya of Laxmi-Vishnu - $110 - October 16th only.

2. Karva Chauth - October 20th, 2024

The Loving Dedication of the happy wife. The yagya for Happy, Healthy and Prosperous marriage/romantic relationship and Longevity of male partners. This yagya is performed for the wife. This is also the day to begin a yagya for finding your ideal, loving male partner.

  • Month long A category - $735 - October 20th to November 18th, 2024
  • Two week B category - $385 - October 20th to November 2th, 2024
  • One week C category - $235 - October 20th to October 26th, 2024

Royal Karva Chauta Vrata

3. Dhanvantari Day - October 29th, 2024

Dhanvantari is the father of Ayurveda, the Vedic science of longevity and perfect health. This is an auspicious day for yagyas enhancing good health, prevention of illness and faster recovery. The Dhanvantari Yagya for Good Health, Prevention of Illness and Faster Recovery.

  • Month long A category -$735 - October 29th, to November 27th, 2024
  • Two week B category -$385 - October 29th to November 11th, 2024
  • One week C category -$235 - October 29th to November 4th, 2024

Royal Dhanvantari Yagya

4. Day of Hanuman - November 3th, 2021

Hanuman is the consciousness that blesses our lives with invincible energy, vitality, courage, devotion to duty, pure knowledge and self control. Hanuman yagyas are begun on this day in the Vedic tradition.

    Month long A category - $735 - October 30th to November 28th, 2021
  • Two week B category - $385 - October 30th to November 12th, 2024
  • One week C category - $235 - October 30th to November 5th, 2024
Hanuman yagya

5. Maha Luxmi Day (Deepavali) - October 31st, 2024

Maha Luxmi is the consciousness that fills our life with wealth, prosperity, abundance and all material fulfillment.

  • Month long A category - $735 - October 31st to November 29th, 2024
  • Two week B category - $385 - October 31st to November 13th, 2024
  • One week C category - $235 - October 31st to November 6th, 2024
  • Special 5 day Puja - $165 - October 31st to November 4th, 2024
Maha Luxmi yagya for wealth and prosperity

5.5 Also on this day we are happy to organize the Kanaka Dhara yagya for massive wealth - October 31th to November 29th, 2024. $1215 We assume that you already have several great income streams in your life. We have not seen success for clients who choose this yagya and just expect to win the lottery. No one that we know of has won the lottery by choosing this yagya.

We're happy to arrange these yagyas for you now.
Yagyas can be performed for individuals and/or their families together.
You may commission just these yagyas or ask also for current planetary yagya recommendations for yourself. Manju Dixit says that these special yagyas in October and November will bear greater fruit after one's recommended planetary yagyas are completed.

Jai Guru Dev.
Chuck and Annette Hunner - Website Administrators

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